Charged Particle In A Box Under The Influence of Electromagnetic Field

Properties of Positive Rays

1. Positive rays consist of positively charged particles.

2. The nature of these rays depends on the gas used in the discharge tube.

3. These rays travel in straight lines. They cast a shadow of the object in their path.

4. These rays get deflected by an electrical field, and bend towards the negative plate. Thus the deflection of the positive rays is in a direction opposite to that shown by the cathode rays.

5. These rays are also deflected by the magnetic fields in the direction opposite to that of the cathode rays.

6. These rays can produce mechanical as well as chemical effects.

7. The ratio of charge (e) to mass (m), i.e.,(e/m) for the particles in the positive rays is not the same for all gases.

8. The ratio e / m for the positive rays is very low as compared to the e / m value for cathode rays.

9. Positive rays affect photographic plate.

10. They can produce ionization in gases.

11. They cause fluorescence.

Binary Coded Decimal - 8421 BCD Representation of Decimal Numbers

Binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a digital representation of decimal numbers in which each digit is represented by its own binary sequence. BCD encodes each decimal digit with a four-bit binary value, as shown in the following table:

Decimal BCD
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001

For example, the decimal number "246" would be represented in BCD as "0010 0100 0110". BCD is often used in computer systems to store and manipulate decimal values because it is more efficient and simpler than using other representations such as pure binary or ASCII. It is also commonly used in digital circuits, particularly in embedded systems and microcontrollers, because it is easy to convert between BCD and other number representations using simple logic gates. However, BCD is not as widely used as it once was because modern computers often use more efficient representations such as two's complement or floating-point numbers.