I Internal Test - Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 7BPH4C1

 Part - A                       5x2 = 10 

1. Write any two properties of positive rays.
2.  State the laws of photoelectric emission?
3. What is critical potential? What are it's two kinds?
4. State Pauli's Exclusion Principle.
5.What is anomalous Zeeman Effect
                                                         Part - B                      2x5 = 10
1.Explain the action and working of Bain Bridge Mass Spectrograph.
2.Explain the Fine Structure of Sodium D - Line

Part - C                        2x10 = 20

1.Obtain Einstein's Photo Electric Equation and Discuss the Millikan's Experiment to verify it.
2.Describe the Stern and Gerlach Experiment.