Zeeman Effect

Zeeman Effect - Larmor Theorem Notes

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Fundamentals of Nanoscience – 4BPHE3C Model Question

Department of Physics - Dr.Zahir Husain College, Ilyangudi.
Fundamentals of Nanoscience – 4BPHE3C

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                 Max Marks: 75

   Part – A                     (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions

  1. Define Nanotechnology
  2. How surface to volume ratio is affected by the size of nanoparticles.
  3. Define CNT’s.
  4. Give any two applications of CNT’s.
5.    Define the top down approach.
6.    Write the advantage of CVD method.    
7.    List out advantages of Scanning tunneling microscopy.
8.    State the fundamental principle of transmission electron microscopy.
9.   Give the advantage of blue ray disk over ordinary compact disk.
10.  List any two applications of nanoparticles.
   Part – B                     (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer All the Questions

11.  Write note on nanomaterials.

       What are nanowires? List out their properties.
  1. Describe the difference between SWCNT and MWCNT.
Describe the plasma arc discharge synthesis technique for production of CNT.

13. Explain the lithography method for nanomaterial synthesis.
            Write note on self assembly method.
  1.  Describe the instrumentation of scanning probe microscopy.
            Explain the working of AFM.
       15. Compare various types of optical memories.
            Briefly describe nanomaterial applications in biomedical field.

   Part – C                     (3 x 10 = 30)
Answer any three Questions

  1. Describe various methods of nanomaterial synthesis.

  1. Describe the types of carbon nano tubes.

  1. Describe the sol-gel method for nanomaterial synthesis.

  1. Explain the principle and working of STM.

  1. Write an essay on nanolayer applications.

Atomic And Nuclear Physics –4BPH4C1 Model Question

Department of Physics - Dr.Zakir Husain College, Ilayangudi.
Atomic And Nuclear Physics –4BPH4C1

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 75

   Part – A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions

1. Define critical potential.
2. Write note on photoelectric cell.
3. Give Pauli’s exclusion principle.
4. What is anomalous Zeeman Effect?
5. State Mosley’s Law.
6. Define Miller Indices.
7. What are the limitations of cyclotron?
8.    Define Half Life.
9. Write note on Van Allen Belts.
10. What are Baryons?
   Part – B (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer All the Questions

11. Discuss Aston’s mass spectrograph and explain how isotopes are detected.
Explain the theory of determining e/m of photoelectron using Lenard’s method.

12. Explain the various quantum numbers associated with the vector atom model..
Explain emission of D2 lines in sodium spectrum using term symbols and selection rules.

13.  State and derive Bragg’s law. Explain the working of Bragg spectrometer.
        Draw NaCl structure and discuss it.
14. Explain how electrons are accelerated to very high energy by betatron.
        Write a note on thermo nuclear reactions
 15. Discuss the method of radio carbon dating.
Explain latitude effect in cosmic rays.

   Part – C (3 x 10 = 30)
Answer any three Questions

16. Explain Frank and Hertz Experiment to determine critical potential.

17. Describe Stern and Gerlach experiment and indicate the importance of the results obtained.

18. Describe the quantum treatment of normal Zeeman Effect.

19. What is Betatron? Explain the theory and working of Betatron.

20. What are cosmic ray showers? Discuss the theory of their formation.