Significance of Conservation Laws

In Physics, we come across various conservation laws, as mentioned above, and even though all of them may not be equally exact or accurate, they nevertheless prove helpful in many ways. Thus, for instance,

1. Without going into details of the trajectories or the forces involved in any particular case, they give us a broad and generalised picture of the significant facts that emerge in consequence of the equations of motion.

2. Even in cases where the nature of the forces involved is not clearly known, the conservation laws have been successfully invoked, particularly in the realm of what are called fundamental or elementary particles and have, indeed, helped predict the existence of quite a few more of them viz, conservation of parity.

3. They forewarn us of the impossibility of the occurrence of certain types of phenomena (like, for example, a perpetual motion machine) and thus prevent wastage of time and effort that we might otherwise feel tempted to devote in tackling such problems.

4. They seem to have an intimate relationship with the concept of invariance and we may often use them, with success, in exploring and unraveling new and hitherto not well understood phenomena. For an example, the principle of conservation of linear momentum can be obtained more or less as a direct consequence of Galilean invariance.

[From Mathur's Mechanics, Page 226-227]



Here is a p5.js Simulation I've made to illustrate the point that internal forces can not change the linear or angular momentum of a body. Here a fire cracker is thrown up in the air where it explodes. The center of mass of the whole system of the cracker is shown by a blinking point in its trajectory. You can see that the trajectory of the CoM is unaffected by the explosion!. Also, please note that I have applied equal and opposite forces between random parts of the fire cracker to make it explode as shown in the code snippet below :

Also note how I have directly implemented the CoM formula in Coding :

Click Here :   Go Bang!

Types of Everyday Forces in Physics

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In our daily lives, we encounter a variety of forces that influence how objects move and interact. These forces can be divided into several categories:

Gravitational Force:

Description: This is the force of attraction between any two masses. On Earth, it pulls objects toward the center of the planet, giving them weight.

Example: The force that keeps us grounded and causes objects to fall when dropped.

Normal Force:

Description: This is the support force exerted by a surface when an object is placed on it. It acts perpendicular to the surface.

Example: The force that stops a book from falling through a table.

Frictional Force:

Description: Friction is the force that opposes the motion of objects sliding against each other. It acts parallel to the surface of contact.


Static Friction: Prevents motion when a force is applied.

Kinetic Friction: Opposes motion once an object is moving.

Example: The resistance we feel when trying to push a heavy box on the floor.

Tension Force:

Description: Tension is the pulling force transmitted through a string, rope, or cable when it is pulled tight by forces acting at each end.

Example: The force in a rope holding up a hanging object or a cable used to pull an elevator.

Air Resistance (Drag Force):

Description: This is a type of frictional force that acts against the motion of objects as they travel through air. It increases with speed and surface area.

Example: The force that slows down a parachute when it's deployed.'

Applied Force:

Description: Any force that is applied to an object by a person or another object.

Example: Pushing a shopping cart or pulling a door open.

Spring Force:

Description: The force exerted by a compressed or stretched spring on any object attached to it, described by Hooke's law (F = -kx, where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement).

Example: The force we feel when compressing a spring or a mattress.

Centripetal Force:

Description: The force that acts on an object moving in a circular path, directed toward the center of the circle. This force keeps the object moving in a curve.

Example: The force that keeps a car on a curved road or a planet in orbit.

Electromagnetic Forces:

Description: This is a fundamental force that includes both electric and magnetic forces. It can act between charged particles or magnets.

Example: The force that causes magnets to attract or repel each other, or the force between electrically charged objects.

These everyday forces are important in understanding how objects move and interact in the physical world.



Proton Scattering by Heavy Nucleus. - Lecture Notes

Proton Scattering by Heavy Nucleus. - Lecture Notes