II Internal Test - Optics And Spectroscopy

Optics and Spectroscopy - 7BPH3C1
 I Internal Test
Time : 2.5 Hrs                                                                                                                                               Marks: 60

                                                                        PART - A                                                        5 x 2 = 10
1. What is the difference between polarized  and polarized light?
2. What is double refraction?
3. State Biot's law of Optical Activity.
4. Write note on Selection Rules.
5. What is Anti-Stokes line?

                                                                       PART - B                                                      4 x 5 = 20

1.Give the Huygens Explanation of Double Refraction in Uniaxial Cystal
2.Give the Theory of Half Wave Plate.
3.Explain Vibrational Raman Spectra.
4.Explain Pure Rotational Raman Spectrum of Diatomic Molecules.
                                                                         PART - C                                                     3 x 10 = 30

1. Explain the production and detection of circularly and elliptically polarized light.
2. Define Specific Rotation and Explain Fresnel Theory of Optical Activity.
3. Discuss the Quantum Theory of Raman Effect.